Monthly Archives: March 2013


As an underemployed college graduate I am finding that I have not only a lot of time on my hands, but also some pretty odd, funny and sometimes down right disturbing experiences. My high grade point average and two page resume have landed me nothing but a supervisor position at my local grocery store. The wacky antics of my coworkers, and the task of making kick ass sandwiches keep me occupied throughout my days, but lets just say i’m searching for something just a tad more fulfilling. Better yet, a work environment that keeps the sharp objects to a minimum ( knives and meat slicers are not the best tools for a klutz like myself). It has taken me a while, but I have decided that for each day I remain underemployed I am going to share stories about the interesting people I interact with, the awkward, humiliating and inspirational stories I come across and maybe some general ranting (for good measure).

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